Wednesday, 24 September 2014


The first time you made love the bed looked like a crime scene that no one wanted to investigate, even the boy whose heart you broke.
Elizabeth, two days later you chopped all your hair off with a kitchen knife and buried it in the backyard beneath the willow tree. Even now when the wind blows through its leaves, you can still feel the strands whispering like ghosts around your face.
There is salt in your voice and sugar in your tears, inviting men into your bed until it rocks like a boat and everything you touch becomes a shipwreck.
Dear Elizabeth, one day you will stop learning how to crack eggshells for the sole purpose of tiptoeing over them. One day your hair will grow back and all the envelopes you lost to the sea will be returned to you with extra postage included.
There will be a time when your shadow will finally want to follow you instead of turning its back on you when you need it most. Elizabeth, one day when your room fills with water in a dream you will remember all the people who taught you how to swim.

One day Elizabeth, that black-legged white desk shall be the nearest to home you have ever felt and that guy you said "Hi" to every day but never saw, will be the only good memory you have. One day

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

The 4th Dimension Could Be The Internet

Okay this might prove a bit 'Stretching' or even exhausting of a thought, but hey, what's the use of imagination if you can't abuse it? All I need is your ability to imagine on this one; are you ready? 
Imagine what the 4th dimension is like. You are perceiving reality at a much higher frequency than in 3D. The molecular density is different, so everything looks different, and the way you interact with your environment is also different.
You are able to communicate telepathically with those around you, and can even connect with people through your heart space over long distances (this is assuming you are living on a spiritual path of harmony, of course you could take a more dualistic way of living, and you could still potentially communicate telepathically, just… you .know, less one-ness)

In this dimension or higher, you can do anything. You can fly, you can manifest any experience you want instantly. We all know and remember what it’s like to be there, we are there between the spaces between our lives… but of course, it’s a little bit different “down here.” 

Okay, now think about life on earth in 3D, and how we’ve used technology to enhance our communications. We can communicate with each other across the entire planet, exactly the same as communicating in 4D. We’ve developed video games where we can experience entire new realities where we can do anything.
Think of World of Warcraft, massive communities gather together to experience new worlds and have amazing, magical experiences. We have , which – despite it still being a controlling mechanism that limits our communication and ability to work on things (because the various social media platforms like facebook aren't a project-management-resource it’s an attention focus and a timesink), they still connected a LOT of people together, and that’s pretty cool.

But the point here isn’t to rag on nor to claim how great it is, but to point out this one very specific thing: Through these digital mediums we are ultimately communicating on higher frequencies!
Straight up, flat out, it’s communicating on frequencies that we cannot actually visibly see or touch, but we use our technology to tune into these frequencies, rather than our physical bodies, minds, and consciousness.
But what does it mean?! I almost want to say that after Humankind fell in consciousness, we lost our connections to each other and ourselves, and have felt that missing void. As we expanded our awareness around the globe and began developing technologies which have been attempting to fill the void of “what’s missing”. These communication devices are a big part of that.
Through technology we have brought people together, as well as separating others apart. Of course, the thing that’s REALLY missing is our connection to our hearts, which brings everyone together in love and truth. Yet, at the same time, we have the opportunity to explore something really incredible.
From my understanding, when a species goes the path of duality and begins creating technology without any emotions whatsoever, they sever themselves from love. In doing so, they lose their spiritual connections to each other, but gain new things in the process. What makes humans really interesting, is that we are able to experience both technology and love at the same time! It’s mind boggling to think about it, we are potentially a very new species of life in the universe, a merging of the dualistic and unity path. The path of Trinity? Perhaps.

There’s a lot more that I could go into here, but I’m going to wait for now. I shall bid you adieux.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

When She Stops Saying "I Love You Too"

Don’t lose pieces of yourself inside her mosaic.
If there is shattering, then there will always be a rebuild.
Worship the moon instead of her favorite song
and the next time you hear it, don’t sing along.
Never walk the three miles to her house
even after all the gin is gone
and your friends have taken away the keys.
Your time with him is out.
Stop pretending you can still hear the clock ticking.
Trace the equator on an atlas
instead of all the piercings you remember on her soft lips
so you’ll finally have a place you’ll be able to end up at.
This was just a typo in your life story.
You’ll know how to proofread it better next time.
Until then, even if it takes a forklift,
sit yourself up from the floor
and let your heart go door to door
until it finally finds what it’s looking for.
She didn’t forget that she loved you, she simply realized
that she did not love you in the first place.
a harsh reality that might have taken too long to

5 women I never met

Gertrude worked as a Thrifty’s drug store cashier through the 40’s and then married a television grip. She knowingly flick her cigarette, lean on her elbows and say, “listen, I know, I was a cashier at Thrifty’s”. 
Fat Lena who married a wealthy Entrepreneur . The wealthy entrepreneur developed agoraphobia and read aviation magazines all day. The same three magazines. They burnt through the wealthy Entrepreneur’s inheritance. They had four sons, three died of heroin, one went to jail. For a while, no one heard from Fat Lena or husband. She came back, said they had gone on vacation, got the inheritance back. But then they went to Santa Anita and lost it again. She worked as a coffee shop waitress until she was 70. Fat Lena was everyone’s favorite. 
Ruth got out early, married to an aerospace guy and didn’t talk to the family. 
Maya knew an abortionist in TJ and she had the phone number. When you got pregnant and you didn’t want to be pregnant anymore you called Minerva and she would set you up with the doctor in TJ and then maybe spend a night in her East LA house recovering.
The girl who had the most abortions, Melody, and had the worst pill problems met a guy from the neighboring city. They found God and they built a house for him in ranch lands. Many people came to the house of God and gave Melody and her husband lots of  money to make sure their house of God was the best and the most Holy. Melody crusaded against abortion in the 1970’s and raised more money to carry the crusade into the 1980s. When her husband and children died in a plane crash, Melody made the most money then retired.

I am related to all these women. By blood.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014


The internet’s an interesting place. It’s home to fans, musicians, comics, gamers, makers, writers, hackers, artists and everything in between. Whether you want to observe someone’s work or put your work on display for others to observe, the internet is here to help. Today, we have for you a category of the latter because some genius comic book artist by the name of Axel Medellin has created one of the coolest thing you’re going to see today: mock-ups of what it might look like if renaissance man (literally) Leonardo da Vinci had created the infamous Iron Man armor that made Tony Stark the Marvel hero that he is.
Top of Form

Bottom of Form

This is the kind of s**t we love. We know it’s fake, but there’s so much beautiful attention to detail here that we can believe if da Vinci had designed the armor, this is totally what the sketches would look like. It makes sense thematically too considering Tony’s essentially a modern day Leonardo da Vinci, dabbling in nearly anything and everything that expands his knowledge of how the world works… and doing it while being far more intoxicated usually.
That said, on a serious note, this is a cool piece of work, and it’s a great reminder that there are benefits to – safely – browsing the depths of Deviant Art because sometimes you can actually come up from it with gold. Well done, internet/Axel Medellin. Well done.
What do you think of Axel’s Leonardo da Vinci inspired Iron Man armor? Let me know in the comments below.

Monday, 1 September 2014


This is the story of the anorexic catholic girl who wouldn’t even eat the Eucharist. The dyslexic who was exceptionally good at reading minds, the obese girl who ate nothing but her words, that bald guy who always hanged at the barber shop and the gay guy who liked making ‘that’s what she said’ jokes.

The story begins at the end of the life of a child in his old age. In one of the million dots in the milk-way galaxy on the third rock from one of the smaller stars, he was conceived by the power of ignorance between two humans who chose to share coital knowledge. A colossal accident of infinitely epic proportions; Infact, the word “accident” never before made more sense than that cellular level second he was conceived!

He called the womb his home for a period of something slightly short of the normal human gestation period and came out too early: Even his birth was an accident you see? What normal human has a birthday on the 29th of February? A day sometimes more rare than the elusive bigfoot. His story will go untold in this story.

Family: Ignorant father saw the face his product and wished he more than just heard of the words “Trust Condom”. Wished he had switched the gun to safety mode because you see, in the ever raining city of ‘Storm’ every citizen has an umbrella. But the eras of genies and wishing wells were long gone. In his current space-time, pennies were no longer devoured by deep dark holes, they were given to the needy.

Mother? Never ever before in her life in death, had she been this emotionally confused. Love, shock, adoration and pain of course all manifesting at the same time. Hours of labour so just she could be able to hold and suckle this mistake that had haunted her for nine months.

She had too squeeze a 4 inch wide skull out of her sacred fortress that stands between the two pillars that are her thighs . 4 fucking inches! Sounds like a scene straight out of horror movie- right? Wrong! This sought of brutality has never even crept into the idea chambers of all the Hollywood movie directors. For you see, It is simply too barbaric of a thought.

Now back to the story of the atheist who owned a church, the artiste who never saw the bigger picture, and the barren mother of five. The end of this story begins with the last cry this child airs. Story of a child from a rich family who grew up in the projects; the same child who had no dad but grew up with a father.

A child who morphed into a young good looking man who passionately hated mirrors. The young man who had a lot to say but seldom spoke. The chap who took his time in the fast lane and same youngster who had friends as many as beach sand but always considered himself alone in a crowd. The happiest sadist alive and the realist who spent half his life in his imagination.

Could this be the same story of the fashion eccentric nun who married the drunkard who had never stepped foot in a bar? Yes. Yes it is. This is how this child viewed the world; a big ball of entangled thread that was only good for cats-play.

His best friend a haemophiliac
who had an odd fetish for knives, his girlfriend, the dumbest rocket scientist he knew and him, well he was that igloo that spoke of nothing but summer. That one mistake on that blue marble that made it less blue.

The story of the dumb dead man whose last words were “I LIVE”.

Taman Shud