Okay this might prove a bit 'Stretching' or even exhausting of a thought, but hey, what's the use of imagination if you can't abuse it? All I need is your ability to imagine on this one; are you ready?

You are able to
communicate telepathically with those around you, and can even connect with
people through your heart space over long distances (this is assuming you are living on a spiritual path of harmony,
of course you could take a more dualistic way of living, and you could still
potentially communicate telepathically, just… you .know, less one-ness)
In this dimension or higher, you can do anything. You can fly, you can manifest any experience you want instantly. We all know and remember what it’s like to be there, we are there between the spaces between our lives… but of course, it’s a little bit different “down here.”
Okay, now think about
life on earth in 3D, and how we’ve used technology to enhance our
communications. We can communicate with each other across the entire planet,
exactly the same as communicating in 4D. We’ve developed video games where we
can experience entire new realities where we can do anything.
Think of World of
Warcraft, massive communities gather together to experience new worlds and have
amazing, magical experiences. We have ,
which – despite it still being a controlling mechanism that limits our
communication and ability to work on things (because the various social media platforms like facebook aren't a
project-management-resource it’s an attention focus and a timesink), they still
connected a LOT of people together, and that’s pretty cool.
the point here isn’t to rag on nor
to claim how great it is, but to point out this one very specific thing: Through these
digital mediums we are ultimately communicating on higher frequencies!
Straight up, flat out,
it’s communicating on frequencies that we cannot actually visibly see or touch,
but we use our technology to tune into these frequencies, rather than our
physical bodies, minds, and consciousness.
But what does it
mean?! I almost want to say that after Humankind fell in consciousness, we lost
our connections to each other and ourselves, and have felt that missing void. As
we expanded our awareness around the globe and began developing technologies which
have been attempting to fill the void of “what’s missing”. These communication
devices are a big part of that.
Through technology we
have brought people together, as well as separating others apart. Of course,
the thing that’s REALLY missing is our connection to our hearts, which brings
everyone together in love and truth. Yet, at the same time, we have the
opportunity to explore something really incredible.
From my understanding,
when a species goes the path of duality and begins creating technology without
any emotions whatsoever, they sever themselves from love. In doing so, they lose
their spiritual connections to each other, but gain new things in the process.
What makes humans really interesting, is that we are able to experience both
technology and love at the same time! It’s mind boggling to think about it, we
are potentially a very new species of life in the universe, a merging of the
dualistic and unity path. The path of Trinity? Perhaps.
There’s a lot more
that I could go into here, but I’m going to wait for now. I shall bid you
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